Ultraäänikuvantaminen on osaamisemme ydintä. Tarjoamme ultraäänikuvantamisen ratkaisuja erityisesti kirurgisten toimenpiteiden ja hoitojen ohjaukseen. Meillä on Pohjoismaiden asiantuntivin tiimi mm. eturauhassyövän ultraäänidiagnostiikkaan ja intraoperatiiviseen ultraäänikuvantamiseen. Valikoimassamme on myös Clariuksen monikäyttöiset ja langattomat ultraäänianturit iOS- ja Android-laitteille.
BK Medical on pitkäaikainen yhteistyökumppanimme, jonka ainutlaatuisia ratkaisuja edustamme yli 15 vuoden kokemuksella. Reaaliaikainen intraoperatiivinen ultraääni on kuvantamismenetelmä, joka on luotu käytettäväksi toimenpiteiden aikana. Kutsumme tätä aktiiviseksi kuvantamiseksi (active imaging), koska kirurgi voi käyttää reaaliaikaista tietoa toimenpidesuunnitelman päivittämiseen ja kriittisten päätösten tekemiseen toimenpiteen aikana.
BK Medical on alusta alkaen sitoutunut suunnittelemaan aktiivisia kuvantamislaitteita sekä ratkaisuja, jotka auttavat kirurgeja visualisoimaan potilaan anatomian ja leesiot, ohjaamaan toimenpiteitä ja navigoimaan ihmiskehon sisällä. BK Medicalin missiona on muuttaa hoidon tasoa kirurgisissa interventioissa reaaliaikaisen visuaalisen ohjauksen avulla, mikä antaa kirurgeille tarvittavat tiedot kriittisten päätösten tekemiseen.
Nyt BK Medical edistää tehtäväänsä GE Healthcaren kanssa. Yhdessä tavoitamme enemmän asiakkaita ja jatkamme kirurgien työn kehittämistä kriittisissä päätöksissä, jotka mahdollistavat paremman hoidon ja nopeammat toimenpiteet, sekä vähentävät komplikaatioita.
BK Medicalin aktiiviset kuvantamisratkaisut auttavat yleiskirurgeja, gastrokirurgeja, neurokirurgeja, selkäkirurgeja, robottikirurgeja, urologeja, kolorektaalikirurgeja ja lukuisia muita terveydenhuollon ammattilaisia. Kuvantamisratkaisumme ovat heidän tukenaan kaikissa toimenpiteen vaiheissa, suunnittelusta interventioon ja validointiin.
Tarjoamme asiakkaillemme ensiluokkaisia kuvantamislaitteita sekä äärimmäistä asiantuntijuutta kuvantamistutkimusten suunnittelussa aina teknisestä toteutuksesta laadukkaaseen koulutukseen ja huoltoon. Uskomme, että terveysteknologialla on mahdollista luoda vaikuttavampaa terveydenhuoltoa ja maksimaalista terveyttä potilaille. Vaikuttavuuden kehittäminen edellyttää moniammatillista osaamista ja yhteistyötä. Tarjoamme BK Medicalin kuvantamisratkaisujen ympärillä asiakkaillemme ammattitaitoa vaikuttavuusperusteisen terveydenhuollon kehittämisessä, analytiikasta yhteiskehittämiseen ja konsultointiin.
Tarjontaamme kuuluvat myös tunnustetut langattomat Clarius-ultraäänilaitteet. Clarius on kannettavien ultraäänilaitteiden edelläkävijä ja sen antureiden kuvanlaatu edustaa markkinoiden ehdotonta kärkeä. Clarius-laitteet yhdistyvät niin iOS kuin Android -käyttöliittymiin ja valikoimasta löytyvät anturit niin humaani-, kuin eläinlääketieteeseen.
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- North Karelia
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation