Suomessa diagnosoidaan vuosittain yli 35 000 uutta syöpää. Syöpä on kansanterveydellisesti merkittävä sairaus, johon sairastuu elämänsä aikana joka kolmas suomalainen.
Teknologia mahdollistaa jatkuvasti vähemmän kajoavia ja kohdennetumpia syöpähoitoja. Olemme erikoistuneet nykyaikaisiin säteilemättömiin syöpähoitoihin. Tarjoamme asiakkaillemme monipuolista asiantuntijuutta eturauhassyövän, rakkosyövän, luusyövän sekä lukuisten pehmytkudossyöpien hoidossa.
Syövän hoito kehittyy valtavin harppauksin ja kehityssuunta on globaalisti kohti yksilöllisempää, kajoamatomatonta ja potilasta säästävää hoitoa. ProMedical on edelläkävijä tarkoin valikoitujen säteilemättömien syöpähoitojen markkinassa. Yksi lupaavimmista uusista syövänhoitomenetelmistä on HIFU (high-intensity focused ultrasound), jonka käytöstä on saatu globaalisti lupaavia tutkimustuloksia mm. eturauhassyövän hoidossa ja gynekologisten syöpien hoidossa. Edustamme HIFU-teknologiassa EDAP TMS -yhtiön ratkaisuja (NASDAQ: EDAP), joka on maailman johtava terapeuttisen ultraäänen valmistaja ja toiminut markkinoilla yli 35 vuotta. EDAP TMS kehittää ja valmistaa ultraääniteknologiaa käyttäviä mini-invasiivisia lääkinnällisiä laitteita erityisesti urologiaan. Investoimalla jatkuvasti tutkimukseen ja kehitykseen, yhteistyössä INSERM:in kanssa, EDAP TMS on kehittänyt vahvan ja arvokkaan patenttisalkun, joka perustuu sen innovatiivisiin teknologioihin. EDAP TMS:n Focal One -ratkaisu on käytössä Suomessa.
Rakkosyövän hoitoon tarjoamme Physionin EMDA -ratkaisua (Electro Motive Drug Administration), joka on kehitetty erityisesti pinnallisen, korkean riskin rakkosyövän hoitoon. EMDA perustuu ionisaatioon, jonka avulla lääkeaine saadaan kuljetettua syvemmälle ja tehokkaammin hoidettavaan kudokseen. Tällä tavalla on osoitettu saatavan parempia hoitotuloksia, estämällä tehokkaasti syöpäsolujen jakaantuminen tai kehittyminen malignimpaan suuntaan. EMDA on laajalti tutkittu ja kaikkien tutkimusten mukaan se on tehokas hoitomuoto pinnallisen, korkean riskin rakkosyövän hoitoon. EMDA on otettu käyttöön Suomessa ja sen käytöstä on käynnissä kansallinen kliininen tutkimus.
Luusyövän ja pehmytkudossyöpien hoitoon tarjoamme Surgnovan edustuksemme kautta vaihtoehtoisia ablaatioratkaisuja. Surgnovan Dophi™ Tumor Ablation Platform tarjoaa ratkaisut radiofrekvenssi-, mikroaalto- ja elektroporaatioablaatioihin. Surgnovan valikoimassa on markkinoiden laajin tarjoama erikokoisia antenneja, minkä myötä laitteistot ovat monikäyttöisiä ja soveltuvat laajasti erilaisten tuumoreiden ablaatioihin
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- North Ostrobothnia
- North Savo
- South Karelia
- Päijät-Häme
- South Ostrobothnia
- Satakunta
- South Savo
- Vaasa
- Helsinki and Uusimaa
- Southwest Finland
- East Savo
- Kainuu
- Kanta-Häme
- Central Ostrobothnia
- Central Finland
- Kymenlaakso
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- Pirkanmaa
- North Karelia
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation