Ultraäänilaitteet - Gynekologia
BK Medicalilla on ultraäänikuvantamismenetelmiä gynekologisten toimenpiteiden nopeaan ja tehokkaaseen visualisointiin.
BK Medicalilla on yli 40 vuoden kokemus toimenpiteiden aikana käytettävästä ultraääniohjauksesta ja se on kehittänyt yksilöllisiä järjestelmiä, jotka ovat intuitiivisia ja helppokäyttöisiä. BK Medicalin ratkaisut tarjoavat mahdollisuuden erinomaiseen reaaliaikaiseen kuvantamiseen, joka auttaa suorittamaan toimenpiteitä luotettavasti ja helposti.
Ultraäänikuvantaminen gynekologiassa
Selkeät ultraäänikuvat ovat erittäin tärkeitä gynekologisten toimenpiteiden varmaan ohjaukseen. BK Medicalin ultraäänijärjestelmillä ja niiden kanssa käytettävillä antureilla saadaan yksityiskohtaista tietoa, jota tarvitaan suunniteltaessa ja suoritettaessa seuraavanlaisia toimenpiteitä:
- Gynekologiset toimenpiteet
- Raskauden seuranta – ensimmäinen, toinen ja kolmas kolmannes
Gynekologiset ultraäänianturit
BK Medicalin ultraäänijärjestelmien kanssa voidaan käyttää laajaa valikoimaa tehokkaita ja steriloitavia antureita eri toimenpiteisiin. Laitteistot ovat hyvin integroitavissa jokaiseen työskentelypisteeseen ja BK Medicalin antureissa on käyttöä helpottava Smart ButtonTM -painike.
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- South Karelia
- Päijät-Häme
- South Ostrobothnia
- Satakunta
- South Savo
- Vaasa
- Helsinki and Uusimaa
- Southwest Finland
- East Savo
- Kainuu
- Kanta-Häme
- Central Ostrobothnia
- Central Finland
- Kymenlaakso
- Lapland
- Länsi-Pohja
- Pirkanmaa
- North Karelia
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation