Ultraäänilaitteet - Lantionpohja
Lantionpohjan häiriöt johtuvat monista tekijöistä, joihin kuuluvat synnytyksen aikaiset vauriot ja ikääntyminen. Asiantuntijat suosivat yleensä menetelmää, jossa lantionpohjan etu-, keski- ja taka-alueita tutkitaan lantionpohjan häiriöiden selvittämiseksi.
Transperineaalisen, endovaginaalisen ja endoanaalisen alueen ultraäänikuvantamisella saadaan tarvittavat tiedot, joiden avulla voidaan muodostaa täysi kuva lantionpohjasta. 3D-kuvantamisella pystytään tarkastelemaan 3D-tietoja potilaskäynnin jälkeen.
Reaaliaikaiset, dynaamiset tutkimukset auttavat gynekologeja, urologeja ja muita lantionpohjan ongelmia tutkivia lääkäreitä visualisoimaan potilaan anatomiaa, suunnittelemaan hoidon ja arvioimaan hoidon tuloksia, kun kyseessä ovat:
- virtsan- ja ulosteenpidätyskyvyttömyys
- lantionpohjan ja emättimen kiputilat
- lantionpohjan ja elinten laskeumat
- tukinauhojen ja -verkkojen käyttö
- emättimen kystojen ja kudosmuutosten hoito
Haluatko lisätietoa tuotteesta tai palveluratkaisuistamme?
Valitse alta toimialueesi ja ota yhteyttä ProMedicalin asiantuntijaan.
- North Ostrobothnia
- North Savo
- South Karelia
- Päijät-Häme
- South Ostrobothnia
- Satakunta
- South Savo
- Vaasa
- Helsinki and Uusimaa
- Southwest Finland
- East Savo
- Kainuu
- Kanta-Häme
- Central Ostrobothnia
- Central Finland
- Kymenlaakso
- Lapland
- Länsi-Pohja
- Pirkanmaa
- North Karelia
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments
Service and maintenance Troubleshooting Technical support
Surgical tables, pendants, surgical lights, integration, radiation protection
Ultrasound and fusion imaging, stone management, laser surgery, urological cancer treatments, dialysis
Instruments and surgical equipment, endovascular treatments, electrosurgery, lightsources and headlights, dialysis, RF ablation, MW ablation